1. Sometimes I feel like my professors aren’t cutting it and I want to just stay home, watch Kaplan videos and read Goljan. Well here’s a new solution! Why pay thousands of dollars to listen to elderly doctors with broken English lecture for hours on end? Introducing Medical School In A Box!
I wonder what their match rate is?
2. The biggest problem med students have on a daily basis is remembering EVERYTHING. The funny part is we spend so much time trying to remember miniscule little facts that we start to forget stupid stuff like putting sox’s on both feet. Never fear DR. USB is here. I guess it won’t really help with remembering the little stuff, but it’ll definitely help with the bigger document styled things.
3. Forget those cutsie plush microbes that I keep seeing everywhere. This is actually more like it! Giant microbe primordial putty is kind of like a mixture of silly putty and agar that you can play with. And it’s probably great for grossing out friends.
5. This pillow would add a bit of pizzazz to any dreary med student apartment. Though I’ll admit the price tag is a bit excessive ($204!!!) for something that you’ll use to sleep on! You might need to take out some more loans just to pay for it. To each his own I guess.
7. Back to always forgetting stuff, I seem to have an excess of sticky notes hanging around. But these ones would really brighten up my workspace. They also have ones of the larynx, mouth, brain, vocal cords, ear, skeleton, and almost every other part of the body you can think of.
8. Never be late again with this clock! It tells you when to study, when to sleep, and when to shower!