"I'm sorry to inform you that our school no longer accepts US government loans."
That's the only part of the conversation that I heard.
I sat in my parents office crying for thirty minutes after that. I had two weeks left until I was supposed to come to Poland, I had already bought the plane tickets, made plans, and then this. TWO WEEKS before I was supposed to come.
I had no idea how I was going to pay for school or what I was going to do. I was totally lost.
I probably should have seen the last minute notice as a sign of things to come. But, me being me I completely ignored it (probably a good thing too!). After I finished crying, my step dad coaxed me out to the living room where we had a good chat. A week later after making some inquiries and after some long hard contemplation I decided that I was going to find a way to make this happen. I was going to go to Poland, I was going to go to medical school.
Thank goodness for Sallie Mae.

My first thoughts about Poland were, "wow these buildings are really run down." And looking back I was only half right- the outside might be disastrously run down but the inside of most of the buildings are actually quite nice. (Maybe that's a good metaphor for the country?)
After we arrived and got the hotel stuff sorted out we went for what would be the first of many Polish meals. KFC!
My dad stayed for about four days and helped me move into the dormitory. My roommate arrived as we were organizing all the newly purchased items from ikea. Her first words to me were, "If you see any needles I'm diabetic, not a drug addict."
I had no clue how to respond to that so I just said, "I have asthma. My inhaler is in the drawer."
Clearly we both need to work on our introductions.
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